
Der Standard:

Her virtuosity is equalled by her intensity

Every gesture and every note is right.


Vocal glory.

Engagements …

Verena is working as a freelance singer for opera companies and festivals. She is also an experienced recitalist and has sung a wide range of oratorios and masses in churches.

… coming up

… recently

About Verena

The singer/actor has had notable successes on international stages. Highlights were her debut at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London (first Aegea in Luigi Rossi's "Orpheus" followed by Nerissa in "Merchant of Venice) and the opera "Icarus" written for her by David Blake which premiered at the Cantiere Internazionale in Montepulciano. She is a specialist for modern music and is now working on the more dramatic german fach.


Recent events and highlights


Passion – Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte

Nerissa in "Merchant of Venice" Royal Opera House Covent Garden

Debut at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden/London